Cibele Salviatto
Integral Coach
Sustainability Expert
Pathwork Helper
Cibele Salviatto is an Integral Coach, a Pathwork Helper and sustainability consultant who draws on her many years of experience at major multinational firms to help organizations transform their cultures and to help leaders become dynamic and effective change agents.
I hold many roles in my life, but prefer to believe that none of them are who I really am. Professionally, I offer my sensibility, my intuition and my acquired knowledge to tap into and channel wisdom that can contribute to people's self-development path.
For that, I count on my training as a Professional Integral Coach, a certified Pathwork® Helper and a Self-Therapist. I also hold a BA in Business Administration from FGV (Fundação Getúlio Vargas), a top-tier university in Brazil.
Since 2001, I have been a professional consultant in corporate sustainability issues. As a director of Brazil-based the consultancy Atitude Sustentável, I have worked with large multinational corporations such as Natura & Co., Basf, Alcoa and Fibria Celulose, promoting cultural change within these organizations, developing processes for engagement with stakeholders and supporting strategic planning with a sustainable approach.
I have developed a concept called “Sustainability from Within.” This is a program aimed at change agents – people who have a calling to change the world: social, political or economic activists; pacifists; environmentalists; sustainability or green professionals; or any one of us who thinks our world should be a fairer, healthier, happier and more peaceful place to live.
Cibele's Blog
Cibele Salviatto
Inspiring others to be the change.